
KIAA Faculty

Xian Chen (陈弦)

Associate Professor
Office: 305
Research interests: Dynamics and radiation processes in the vicinity of black holes, Galactic Center dynamics, gravitational-wave astrophysics.

Xian Chen (陈弦)

Assistant Professor
Office: 305
Research interests: Dynamics and radiation processes in the vicinity of black holes, Galactic Center dynamics, gravitational-wave astrophysics.

Subo Dong (东苏勃)

Office: 306
Research interests: extrasolar planets, supernovae, gravitational microlensing, dynamics, time-domain astronomy

Luis C. Ho (何子山)

Director, University Chair Professor
Office: 207
Research interests: processes in galactic nuclei, accretion disks and jets, massive black holes, origin of the Hubble sequence, extragalactic star formation, star clusters, interstellar medium

Gregory J. Herczeg

Associate Director of Science, Associate Professor
Office: 204
Research interests: Star and planet formation; Protoplanetary disks; pre-main-sequence stellar evolution

Linhua Jiang (江林华)

Office: 206
Research interests: Extragalactic astronomy and observational cosmology, high-redshift quasars and supermassive black holes

Fangzhou Jiang (姜方周)

Assistant Professor
Office: 213
Research interests: theory of galaxy formation and evolution, dark matter, galaxy-dark-matter-halo interaction, cosmology

Kohei Inayoshi

Assistant Professor
Office: 203
Research interests: Black hole formation and evolution, gravitational waves

Linhua Jiang (江林华)

Associate Professor
Office: 206
Research interests: Extragalactic astronomy and observational cosmology, high-redshift quasars and supermassive black ho

Kejia Lee (李柯伽)

Associate Professor
Office: 308
Research interests: pulsars, gravitational waves

Li-Xin Li (李立新)

Office: 104
Research interests: High energy astrophysics, cosmology, general relativity

Zhuo Li (黎卓)

Associate Chair of Dept. of Astronomy, Bairen Research Professor
Office: 108
Research interests: gamma-ray bursts and supernovae, high-energy cosmic rays and neutrinos, relativistic collisionless shocks

Fukun Liu (刘富坤)

Research interests: supermassive black hole binaries, accretion disks and active galactic nuclei

Eric Peng (彭逸西)

Associate Professor
Office: 212
Research interests: Galaxy formation and evolution, stellar populations, galaxy dynamics, globular cluster systems

Yingjie Peng (彭影杰)

Office: 214
Research interests: observational cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution

Lijing Shao (邵立晶)

Assistant Professor
Office: 217
Research interests: gravitational waves, pulsar astronomy, new physics beyond the standard model

Jing Wang (王菁)

Assistant Professor
Office: 216
Research interests: Galaxy formation and evolution

Ke Wang (王科)

Assistant Professor
Office: 219
Research interests: Star formation, interstellar medium, radio interferometry

Lile Wang(王力乐)

Assistant Professor
Office: 301
Research interests: numerical simulations in astrophysics

Ran Wang (王然)

Associate Professor
Office: 304
Research interests: formation and co-evolution of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies in the early universe

Xue-Bing Wu (吴学兵)

Associate Director of Administration, Chair of Dept. of Astronomy, Professor
Office: 209
Research interests: quasars and active galactic nuclei, supermassive black holes, accretion physics, X-ray binaries

Huawei Zhang (张华伟)

Associate Chair of Dept. of Astronomy, Associate Professor
Office: KIAA 202
Research interests: Stellar Chemical Abundance, NLTE Abundance Analysis, Galactic Archaeology, Galactic Structure and Chemical Evolution, Star Formation

Renxin Xu (徐仁新)

Research interests: particle astrophysics, pulsars, quark stars, neutron stars

Qingjuan Yu (于清娟)

Office: 106
Research interests: Black hole physics. Planetary and stellar dynamics. Galaxy formation and evolution, galactic nuclei,

Joint Faculty

Pau Amaro-Seoane

Visiting Faculty
Research interests: stellar dynamics, LIGO/Virgo/LISA black holes, data analysis and gravitational-wave search algorithms, planetesimal dynamics, scalar fields and collisional dark matter, and GPU computing

Claudio Ricci

Visiting Faculty
Research interests: AGN

Rainer Spurzem

Adjunct Professor; joint appointment with the NAOC
Office: 213
Research interests: modelling dense stellar systems, galactic nuclei with black holes, relativistic dynamics, N-body simulations, parallel many-core and accelerated computing

Feng Yuan (袁峰)

Adjunct Professor; joint appointment with SHAO
Research interests: accretion and outflow; active galactic nuclei; black holes; galaxy formation and evolution; X-ray binaries

Hu Zhan (詹虎)

Adjunct Professor; Hundred Talent Program; joint appointment with the NAOC
Research interests: Cosmology, dark matter, dark energy, large-scale structure, survey science

Former Faculty

Zuhui Fan (范祖辉)

Professor; joint appointment with the Dept. of Astronomy
Research interests: cosmology, gravitational lensing, cluster of galaxies, galactic dynamics

Richard de Grijs (何锐思)

Research interests: young massive star clusters, Internal star cluster dynamics

Xiaowei Liu (刘晓为)

Professor; joint appointment with the Dept. of Astronomy
Research interests: wide-field astronomy, spectroscopy, Galactic archeology and near-field cosmology, interstellar medium, atomic and molecular processes, radiation mechanisms

M.B.N. (Thijs) Kouwenhoven (柯文采)

Bairen Research Professor(2009-2017)
Research interests: formation and evolution of binary and multiple stellar systems, dynamics of planetary systems, star formation, N-body simulations, the initial mass function

M.B.N. (Thijs) Kouwenhoven (柯文采)

Bairen Research Professor
Research interests: formation and evolution of binary and multiple stellar systems, dynamics of planetary systems, star formation, N-body simulations, the initial mass function

Huirong Yan (闫慧荣)

Bairen Research Professor
Research interests: cosmic ray physics, ISM theories, astrophysical magnetic field, turbulence, dust dynamics, supernovae, cluster of galaxies, GRBs, accretion disk

Eric Peng (彭逸西)

Associate Professor
Research interests: Galaxy formation and evolution, stellar populations, galaxy dynamics, globular cluster systems

Douglas N. C. Lin (林潮)

Director Emeritus
Research interests: formation, structure and evolution of planets, dynamics of planetary systems, protoplanetary disk

Martin C. Smith

Bairen Research Professor
Research interests: Galaxy formation/evolution, in particular the structure and evolution of the Milky Way; data mining with photometric/spectroscopic surveys; variable stars and gravitational microlensing.

Marcel Zemp

Bairen Research Professor
Research interests: cosmological structure formation, dark matter, dark energy, N-body techniques, dynamics, and black holes